Automatic Car Parking System
Automatic Car Parking System project using Arduino UNO. For detecting the movement of vehicles we are using Ultrasonic Sensor and for display, we are using a 20X4 LCD. If the slot is empty then the new vehicles are allowed to enter else the entrance is blocked in case the slot is full. In addition, a billing checkout ticket is also generated.
Ardunio UNOis an 8-bit microcontroller. It has 14 digital input/output pins. This board can be interfaced, with other boards LEDs, Motors, etc.
DS1307 is an RTC (Real-Time Controller). It is 16-bit RTC and 64X8 serials. Its pin GND connects with the ground, and VCC is connected to the power (5V), SOUTH has no connection, SDA is connected to Arduino pin SDA (A4) and SCL is connected to Arduino pin SCL (A5).
KeyPad-Phone takes input in the form of numbers or alphabets and feeds the same into the system for further processing. It has four rows and three columns. The first row (A) is connected to the Arduino pin A0, the Second row (B) is connected to the Arduino pin A1, the third row (C) is connected to the Arduino pin A2, Fourth row (D) is connected to the Arduino pin A3, First column (1) is connected to the Arduino pin 9, Second column (2) is connected to the Arduino pin 10, Third column (3) is connected to the Arduino pin 11. It is used for an empty slot as your own choice.
It has two rows. 20 characters in each row. Car slot empty or filled message show on the LCD. RS is used for the signals. R/W for reading/writing and En was given clock plus to LCD.
P0 to P2 and P4 to P7 are connected to the LCD, RS, RW, and D4 to D7. A0, A1, and A2 of PCF8574 are connected to the ground, and SCL and SDA are connected to the Arduino SCL and SDA pin.
It is connected to the ground, power, and Ultrasonic Sensor. A car parked when distance below 100 and pressing a button which is connected to a ground distance will be lesser.
It has four pins and is used to measure the distance of a target object. 5V is connected to Arduino VCC, and GND is connected with Arduino GND. A trigger is connected with Arduino pin 8 and an echo pin is connected with Arduino pin 7.
LED is glow when the car is parked and off when the slot is empty. We used 5 LEDs in this project. First LED is connected to Arduino pin 6, the second LED is connected to Arduino pin 5, the third LED is connected to Arduino pin 4, the Fouth LED is connected to Arduino pin 3, and the fifth LED is connected to Arduino pin 2.
it is used to view data coming from serial ports and also used to send data to serial ports. Its RXD pin is connected to the Arduino TX pin and the TXD pin is connected to Arduino RX.
logo by alejandro_velasquez(@pixabay)